Product Code: Pine Nuts (In Shell)
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Being packed with proteins, 6-7 pieces of pine nuts should be included in the diet on daily basis. Their usage in pesto sauce preparation make them a high in demand nut in the Western European markets.

  • Pine nuts should be stored in extremely cool conditions(-5°c to 10°c), so refrigeration is must in order to preserve their taste.

  • With direct exposure to sun and humid environment, pine nuts deteriorate rapidly becoming rancid within days.

  • They must not be exposed to strong and pungent odors.

  • Pine nuts are rich in vitamin A and lutein, both of which are known to support sharper vision.

  • They contain heart friendly monounsaturated fat.

  • Thanks to their vitamin D content, pine nuts build stronger bones.

  • Being good source of iron, they assist in smooth functioning of the circulatory and nervous system.  

  • Magnesium and proteins being abundantly present in pine nuts make them an excellent energy booster.

  • Pine nuts contain pinoleic acid which makes you feel fuller faster, and thus aids in weight loss.

  • Afghanistan

  • China

  • Korea

If frozen, pine nuts can last for a long duration on average being 8 months. However if exposed to hot warm environment and not taken care of, their taste can deteriorate within a couple of weeks.

Commonly known in India as “Chilgoza” or “Nioze”, pine nuts are basically edible seeds of pines. The pine nut species will take a time that depends on the exact species to complete its maturity, and to reach maturity the environmental conditions must be favourable for the tree and its cone. Pine nuts contain 10-34% protein depending on species. They are also a source of dietary fibre. In shelled pine nuts have a longer life than their shelled counterparts. Pine nuts are a major ingredient in the preparation of pesto sauce.

                 Jain Dry Fruits is committed to ship these delicate nuts to where they are required all over India. These nuts are expensive because pine nuts are labour intensive. Collecting these edible seeds produced by pine cones takes a long time. Also with climate changes that are affecting the crops worldwide, the produce has been low and demand growing day by day as people are becoming acquainted with recipes for pesto sauces and savory desserts.

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